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The Story of Water

What is the Story of Water?

This is a story that has defined a continent for eons. It is a story that connects Alberta to the entire world. Through the seven watersheds to the Arctic, and the Tropics, linking our own back yard to the oceans of our planet. This is not just the water cycle, but the cultural and biological threads to the story - a massive interconnected web of all that we are and all that we do. 


This story starts right here in Alberta 

The Story & Our Mission

Flowing through the 7 major watersheds, from the snow capped Rockies, across the vast continent, and through the deep vibrant oceans, the Story of Water is an epic journey. A vital tale to understand, with its origins in our own backyard.


The Aquatic Biosphere Project's mission is to tell this story through immersive experiences, education, conservation, and community.


Join with us on this journey.


The Seven Major Watersheds of Alberta:

Hay, Peace/Slave, Beaver, Athabasca, North Saskatchewan, South Saskatchewan & Milk. Feeding the Arctic, Hudson's Bay, and the Gulf of Mexico


Learn the Story in Alberta's Ultimate Eco-Tourism Attraction

All life depends on it, all life is composed with it. Without water there is no life on earth.


Explore that story with the Aquatic Biosphere Project, starting with our own water origins here in Alberta, in the glaciers of the Rocky Mountains. Trace the path of a single snowflake as it melts from the glacier and into the rivers. Travelling across the Prairies you’ll discover the life that lives in, on, and around our streams, rivers and lakes.


You will explore the forces of water that created the landscapes we know today, from the ancient seas that once covered us, to the glaciers that formed much of our landscapes today. As you follow that little drop of snow, you’ll find yourself in the Arctic Ocean, exploring that vast space of water and ice and fantastic creatures.


From the Arctic, you’ll trace the path of water, flowing with the currents through the Atlantic Ocean to around the world, until you find yourself in the Pacific Ocean, along the west coast where air currents will pick up that drop of snow as rain, to move across the mountains and return to the glacier as snow once more.

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