Welcome to fall and welcome back to school. The Aquatic Biosphere Project is excited to share that we are busy this school year with several student and youth led projects. As a community partner with several Universities and Institutes, the Project is once again providing youth mentorship and internship placement opportunities.
For the fourth year in a row and in collaboration with Volunteer Alberta's Youth at the Table (Y@TT) program the Aquarium Society of Alberta will again offer a seat at the Board level to a student enrolled with the program. From September to March, they will be involved in workshops with Y@TT and participate in Board meetings and activities. They also must complete a small initiative and present it at the end of the year.
For the third year in a row the Board will also be hosting a student from University of Alberta's Non-Profit Board Student Internship Program. The mentorship and experiences as a member of a non-profit Board provide leadership and decision-making skills that engage them in their communities.
The past years have brought talented and engaged people to these two programs, and the Board is looking forward to working with this year's candidates and fresh perspectives. To learn about how The Aquatic Biosphere supports youth and post-secondary education, visit our Youth Programs page and check out some of the projects and work done by them.
If you are a student at the University, visit Non Profit Board Student Internship Program for more information. If you are not at student at the UofA but are interested in these programs, reach out to Volunteer Alberta for details.