Want to know a secret about making winter fly by? Participating in post-secondary student project placements will do it. This term we are working with students from the University of Alberta and from NAIT, in several class and capstone projects.
The projects range across education, IT and digital media, and business development. It has kept us busy and we can't be more excited than we already are to be working with these teams and individuals.
These opportunities fall under community partnerships or community service learning - each school has its own label, but it amounts to a commitment of support by businesses and charities to present a real living problem or challenge to a class and support them through the development of a solution which is presented at the end of term. The Aquatic Biosphere has found over the years of participation there is always something of value that comes out. Sometimes the final result absolutely blows us away, surpassing products and services from vendors.
The Society's mission is rooted in knowledge and education. This is one of the activities that supports that commitment, one we thoroughly enjoy doing.
To all the students we are involved with this term - we can't wait to see what you come up with!